PRP Therapy for Hair Loss: How it Works?
 PRP for hair growth

With the consistent advancements in medicine, researchers and doctors are coming out with minimally invasive procedures for effective results. Platelet-rich plasma or PRP for hair is one of them. This three-step medical procedure promotes healing, recovery, and sustained hair regrowth without requiring a guided hair transplant.

From medical conditions like alopecia to lifestyle issues like stress, several factors contribute to hair loss. PRP treatment for hair works by triggering the body’s healing and repairing power to improve the chances of hair regrowth and ensure sustained growth throughout the years.

If you are planning to undergo PRP therapy for hair loss, this article should answer all your questions.

Table of Contents

Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye

  1. What is PRP therapy?
  2. How does PRP for Hair Growth Work?
  3. What is the Success Rate of PRP?
  4. Recovery and Maintenance
  5. Cost of PRP treatment in Delhi

Take Away

1. What is PRP therapy?

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a three-step medical procedure that involves drawing, processing, and injecting the patient’s plasma into the scalp to promote hair regrowth.

The primary objective behind PRP for hair loss is that the injected plasma promotes natural hair regrowth by supplying the hair follicles with increased blood supply. Although there aren’t many conclusive studies to prove the ideal effectiveness of this treatment, many patients have reaped benefits in the long run.

Most of the time, PRP treatment is paired with several other hair loss treatments or medications like minoxidil to promote hair regrowth in areas with thinning or bald patches.

Although PRP therapy has been in practice since the 1980s, there still needs to be a lot of research surrounding the subject to prove its efficacy better.

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2. How does PRP for Hair Growth Work?

PRP for hair loss is a three-step medical process that involves extraction, processing, and injection of the isolated plasma from the blood. This treatment does require recurring sessions 4-6 weeks apart three times, after which the patient can undergo maintenance every six months.

Here’s what the procedure of PRP therapy looks like:

Step 1

The blood is drawn from the patient’s arm and transferred into a centrifuge to separate the elements from the blood into different gradients based on their densities.

Step 2

The drawn blood is separated into three different layers after being in the centrifuge for 10 minutes. Your blood should be distinguished into three layers –

  • Platelet-poor plasma
  • Platelet-rich plasma
  • Red blood cells

Step 3

The last step is where the platelet-rich plasma is extracted from the distinguished layers from the centrifuge. The plasma is taken into a syringe and then injected into the areas of the scalp that require help with hair regrowth. This includes areas of bald patches and thinning hair.

Although the clinical evidence surrounding PRP for hair isn’t that distinguished, more and more patients are inclining towards this treatment because of the minimal side effects in comparison to other techniques.

 PRP for hair growth

3. What is the Success Rate of PRP?

Although there isn’t a specific or standardized success rate for PRP treatment for hair loss, researchers and cosmetic surgeons suggest that the success rate is around 70%, which is not that bad.

A conducted study with 11 men between the ages of 20-40 years with androgenic alopecia found promising results with PRP treatment. The researchers injected 2-3 cc of PRP into the patient’s scalp. The patients underwent the procedure every two weeks, getting four injections in total.

The results from the study found a significant decrease in hair loss and an increase in the growth of the hair follicles from 71 to 93, showing positive results from the study. It also found that undergoing the PRP treatment in Delhi is not only going to promote hair growth but also strengthen the hair follicles.

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4. Recovery and Maintenance

Although PRP treatment for hair is a minimally invasive procedure, it does require the patients to be mindful of a few essential things. From your recovery to the risks, you need to look out for multiple factors contributing to successful hair regrowth.

Here’s what you need to be mindful of:

  • Mild bruising, swelling, and pain at the injection site on the scalp for 2-5 days after the treatment. Your surgeon will likely prescribe pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications to tide through the discomfort.
  • Very rare cases experience skin infection; however, it is temporary and can be treated with antibiotics and other medications.
  • Avoid putting ice directly on the injection site and instead use a cold compress to tame the pain and inflammation.
  • Avoid getting under the spray for at least 3 hours after the surgery. Also, avoid putting on shampoo for 3 hours or as instructed by your doctor.
  • You will be advised to use a pH-balanced shampoo for the first three days after the treatment.
  • The doctor will also advise you to take a hot shower the night of the treatment to activate the PRP treatment results further.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol, tobacco, or even smoke for three days after the treatment.
  • You will be advised to consume more water for the first week following the treatment.
  • Avoid consuming any kinds of blood-thinning agents.

Recovery for PRP for hair growth is quicker than the standard hair transplantation. You can get back to your everyday life and routine a day or two after the surgery. However, you will still be advised to avoid indulging in strenuous or heavy-lifting work for at least a week to two weeks after the surgery.

5. Cost of PRP treatment in Delhi

The PRP hair treatment cost in Delhi is variable and depends on several factors. However, the cost can start from INR 10,000 to INR 20,000 per session on a general note.

However, even these costs are subjective and will differ from clinic to clinic. Following are some of the factors that influence the cost of PRP treatment in Delhi:

  • Number of sessions required
  • Costs levied by the clinic
  • Charges of the surgeon
  • Accessory costs
  • City you are getting the treatment in

Take Away

If you are tired of losing your hair prematurely and for undefined reasons, PRP for hair loss is probably one of the most effective treatment options you can look into. Not only does it impose little to no complications, but even the results are also pretty promising in the long run.

Clair Skin Clinic is your one-stop destination for everything hair and skin. Not only do you get the best and latest treatment options, but every single treatment plan is customized according to the needs of the patients at affordable costs. If you are considering undergoing PRP treatment in Delhi, we’d recommend consulting Clair Skin.