Mole Removal Surgery: Causes, Treatment & Cost | Clair Skin
Mole Removal Surgery

Moles are spots or areas of stained growth on the skin. They occur when the pigment-producing cells in the skin called melanocytes, grow as a bunch as opposed to an even spread. Nevus is the medical term for a mole. A nevus may appear on any part of the body and may range from skin color to black. It may be flat or raised.

When a mole is concerning in terms of change in size, shape, or color you need to visit a dermatologist and consider mole removal surgery. A mole that is bothersome, unattractive, or in a delicate area may warrant excision. When a mole causes itching, swelling, redness, bleeding, or pain, you must consult a dermatologist as it could be a sign of something serious.

Table of Contents

Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye

  1. What is mole removal surgery?
  2. Types of mole removal surgery
  3. What are the procedures?
  4. What to expect after mole removal surgery?
  5. How much Cost of Mole Removal Treatment in Delhi?

Take Away

1. What is mole removal surgery?

Mole removal surgery is a very simple, outpatient procedure that is carried out by the dermatologist to get the mole out of its place. 

Moles are of the following types:

  1. Benign moles- These are normal moles that occur as a result of aggregated melanocytes on the skin. Benign nevi are pink or brown in color and have a distinct border.
  2. Congenital nevi- They are moles that are present since your birth. They are more likely to transform into cancer than the other types. About 1 in 100 people have these types of moles.
  3. Irregular or dysplastic nevi- These moles have an uneven color mostly dark brown in the center and a lighter color towards the edges. Mostly they are inherited and have a greater chance of developing into malignant melanoma - a type of skin cancer.

Cancerous moles develop when there is damage to the DNA of the skin cells melanocytes leading to their uncontrolled growth.

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2. Types of mole removal surgery

The choice of method used for mole removal surgery will depend upon location, size, appearance of the mole and your age. The mole may be removed by any one of the following methods:

  1. Surgical excision
  2. Shaving
  3. Radiofrequency
  4. Punch
  5. Cryotherapy
  •  Surgical excision- The mole is examined by the dermatologist to check its appearance and if found to be suspicious, it is removed and sent for a biopsy. It is examined in a laboratory and depending on the nature of the mole, the treatment will be decided upon. 

The process involves applying a local anesthetic around the mole area, and then the mole is cut out along with a little bit of the surrounding tissues. A few stitches are made to close the wound. A small mole removal scar results in a fade with time.

  • Shaving- Moles that extend beyond the surface of the skin can be shaved. This is done using a special instrument. A small dose of anesthetic is used to numb the area after which the top layer of the mole is removed. There is very minimal or no scarring. The area heals in about 4- 5 days. 
  • Punch- This method is suitable for moles that are very small. A punch biopsy involves removing the mole as a whole. The dermatologist uses a special tool to remove the skin from the target area. It is minimally invasive and requires no sutures. The area heals in about 10 days.
  • Radiofrequency- This method uses high-frequency radio waves through an electrode to remove the mole. It is best suited for moles that are not cancerous and safe to remove. Only a dermatologist can make the right choice of this method. Since it does not require any stitches, the aesthetic results of the procedure are very good.
  •  Cryotherapy- In this method, Your dermatologist uses liquid nitrogen on moles that can be frozen. The cells that comprise the mole are destroyed by the extremely cold temperature. The body’s immune system forms a covering over the area with dried blood that heals away soon.
  • Laser mole removal - A therapeutic dose of light radiation is used to destroy the mole tissue. Laser therapy is a great choice for moles that are in hard-to-access locations such as the ears or visible and sensitive areas such as the face. This method of removal is routinely used for small, flat, and benign moles. Lasers may require more than one session depending on the mole.

How to Remove Moles from Face Permanently?

Moles, or nevi, are typical skin growths that often present as small, dark brown spots. These spots are created by clusters of melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing pigment. It's common for individuals to have between 10 and 45 moles, which typically develop during childhood and adolescence. The appearance of these moles can evolve with time, and they may even gradually fade.

What are The Different Types of Skin Moles?

  • Common Nevi: These typical moles are small skin growths that can be pink, tan, or brown, and they usually have a well-defined border.
  • Congenital Nevi: Present at birth, these moles occur in about one out of every 100 people. They have a higher likelihood of developing into melanoma compared to moles that appear later in life. Larger congenital nevi, particularly those over eight millimeters in diameter, carry an increased risk of becoming cancerous.
  • Dysplastic Nevi: These moles are larger than a pencil eraser and have an irregular shape. They often feature uneven coloring, with darker centers and lighter, uneven edges. Dysplastic nevi tend to run in families, and individuals with these moles may have more than 100 of them. Having dysplastic nevi increases the risk of developing malignant melanoma. Any changes in these moles should be promptly evaluated by a dermatologist for signs of skin cancer.

What Causes Skin Moles?

Moles form when skin cells grow in clusters rather than being evenly distributed across the skin. These moles are primarily composed of melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing the pigment that gives skin its natural color.

How Long Does Mole Removal Take Place? 

The duration of mole removal depends on factors like the size and depth of the mole. In most cases, whether a surgical incision or a shaving method is used, the procedure is usually finished within an hour. The actual removal typically takes less than 10 minutes. However, the entire appointment is longer because a local anesthetic is administered to numb the area, and it takes some time for the anesthetic to take effect.

Are Moles Preventable?

Moles are natural skin growths that cannot be prevented. However, you can take proactive steps to reduce your risk of skin cancer or detect it early by:

  • Limiting your sun exposure.
  • Using sunscreen daily.
  • Regularly examining your moles for any changes or irregularities.

Taking these measures is particularly important if:

  • You have fair skin.
  • You have numerous moles.
  • There is a family history of many moles, atypical moles, or skin cancer.
  • Regular self-examinations increase the chances of detecting melanoma and other skin cancers early. Dermatologists recommend conducting a monthly skin check. While most moles are harmless, if you notice any changes in a mole's color, or shape, or if it starts bleeding, itching, or becoming painful, it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist promptly.

Why Should You Get Your Moles Removed?

If you have an unusual mole, you might need to have it removed. Examining a suspicious mole for cancer cells is essential for catching melanoma early when it is most treatable.sed for small, flat, and benign moles. Lasers may require more than one session depending on the mole.

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3. What is the procedure involved?

When you notice any change in symmetry, color, diameter, border, or size of your existing mole, you must visit the dermatologist for mole removal surgery. The dermatologist has a clinical eye for normal or cancerous moles. After an initial examination, the dermatologist will require a biopsy to rule out the possibility of cancer. Laser mole removal may also be considered.

After categorizing the mole based on the investigations, the doctor will carry out the appropriate procedure in mole removal surgery

Before the procedure, make sure you:

  1. Eat or drink something before the appointment
  2. Keep a list of medications that you might be taking
  3. Tell your doctor about any changes you are experiencing in the moles
  4. Get help depending on the area of the mole- if it is anywhere on the leg, you may need help getting home..
  5. Ask the doctor when your sutures might be removed and what you can expect to see cosmetically
Mole Removal Surgery

4. What to expect after the mole removal surgery

  • Visit the doctor after 1-2 weeks for a follow-up examination to ensure that the area is healing well.
  • Take proper rest and do not expose the area if it is socially concerning.
  • Mild tenderness in the treated area for about 3-4 days after your mole removal surgery
  • Keep the area clean and covered with a bandage for 1-2 days to protect the area.
  • Protect the skin in the area for about 4- 6 weeks in case of deeper incisions

Even after removal, a mole may return if some of the mole cells are left behind in the area. The chances are very less but sometimes happens in the case of methods where only the top layer has been removed. 

Some of the risks and complications of mole removal include:

  •  Infection at the wound site
  • Pain or bleeding from the wound
  • Delay in healing depending on your age and skin condition
  • Scar formation that diminishes with time

What to Expect from the Dermatologist?


Before your visit, conduct a self-exam of your moles. Look for the ABCs of melanoma and make note of any of the following symptoms to discuss with your dermatologist:

  • Asymmetry: One half of the mole does not match the other half.
  • Border: The edges of the mole are uneven, jagged, or irregular.
  • Color: The mole contains multiple colors.
  • Diameter: The mole is larger than 6 millimeters (about the size of a pencil eraser).
  • Evolution: The mole has changed in size, shape, or sensation.

Dermatologist Examination

During your appointment, the dermatologist will examine your moles for any signs of abnormality. If they find an unusual mole, they might suggest monitoring it for changes or removing it for a biopsy.

Mole Removal Process

If you want to go for mole removal from your face permanently, your dermatologist will start by numbing the area with an injection, which may cause a brief pinch but will prevent pain during the procedure. The dermatologist may use one of the following methods to remove the mole:

  • Shave biopsy: A razor blade is used to shave off the mole and some surrounding skin.
  • Punch biopsy: A punch tool is used to remove the mole by "punching" it out.
  • Scalpel removal: A scalpel is used to cut out the mole and some surrounding skin, and stitches are applied to aid healing.

Receiving Results

After the mole is removed, it will be sent to a lab for analysis. In a week or two, your dermatologist will contact you with the results. If the mole is found to be normal, no further treatment is needed, and your dermatologist will advise you on the timing of your next skin check. If the mole is found to be abnormal or cancerous, your dermatologist will discuss the next steps and potential treatments with you.

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Moles are common skin growths caused by clusters of melanocytes, typically appearing during childhood and adolescence. While most moles are harmless, some, such as dysplastic nevi or congenital nevi, carry a higher risk of developing melanoma. Regular self-examinations and visits to a dermatologist are crucial for detecting any abnormal changes early on.

If a mole needs removal, procedures such as shave biopsy or scalpel removal are common and usually completed in under an hour. It's important to take preventive measures like limiting sun exposure, using sunscreen, and monitoring moles for any changes to reduce the risk of skin cancer. By staying vigilant and proactive, individuals can maintain healthy skin and address any potential concerns promptly with medical professionals.


How much Cost of Mole Removal Treatment in Delhi?

The cost of mole removal in Delhi may range from Rs 3000 to Rs 10000. The cost will depend upon the size, shape, depth, location of the mole, and the method used. The laser mole removal may lie on the higher end of the price line.

What causes moles to grow on your skin?

Moles form when clusters of skin cells called melanocytes grow together. Normally, melanocytes are spread evenly throughout the skin and produce melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color.